Safety Tips
As in any other big city, it is important to consider personal safety. For this reason:

Keep an eye on your luggage. Use large and colorful labels to identify them easily on airport conveyor belts or delivery balconies.

Change your money only in exchange houses at airports or authorized bank agencies. Do not accept help from strangers like luggage porters and agents in airports.
 Only use official
taxi stands or taxis from the cooperatives indicated by the event organization. Keep the windows of your vehicle always rolled up, specially at night and always ask the driver of your cab to keep valuable belongings, like laptops, in the car's trunk.
 Always keep your
belongings in sight, specially in open areas, like restaurants, snack bars, parks, and even in the event's venue. Don't let purses, bags, photo or video cameras hanging on chairs or on the floor.
 Don't wear expensive looking jewelry
and watches.
The same applies to large amounts of money; try to separate previously the amount you need for small expenses.
 Don't disclose your personal data to unknown persons and avoid carrying passports
and travel checks when you go for a walk or a drive. In case of loss, theft or robbery, report the fact immediately to the local police.
 For your peace of mind, use the hotel's
safe to keep valuable objects, your documents, passport and airplane tickets, and use photocopies of your documents when you go out.
 If you go out for a walk or to public and open areas, keep your
belongings near to your body and avoid going out alone. It's recommended to avoid going out carrying your notebook or other electronic devices.
 If you need to go to an ATM
machine, preferably use those located in malls (shopping centers) or banks. Avoid cash machines on streets or dark places. If you need help, always ask an employee of the bank.